The Final Circuit
V.11 : October 2nd to 15th
Location: Tok to Anchorage via Fairbanks, Alaska
audio tracks:
The Ship The Diamond : Traditional
Live at Into The Woods bookstore/coffeehouse
Gypsy Dance : Traditional : adapt&arrang- Folksinger
I'm moving fast now. I head to Delta Junction,to do a show for an assembly at the school. I play for all the students, plus parents and anyone who wants to attend. I move out fast, racing towards Fairbanks towards an oncoming storm. I want to make it to a Celtc Jam I was asked to attended at a cool coffeehouse there, Into The Woods. I make it, and jam, but am trapped for three days there at the coffeehouse by an icestorm that coats the area. Nothng moves, but I am at a great place with great coffee, great books, great people, great conversation, and time to play, and work to help with. Finally I am able to get out, creep over the mountains and head south, racing through the gap before the next storm, heading out of the interior and onto the warmer coast, returning to Willow again just before the snow arrives, ready to head on to Anchorage next.